Understanding and Treating Adult Acne

Acne is a skin condition mostly associated with adolescents and teenagers. However, for many people, acne problems don't automatically end once they graduate high school or enter their twenties.

A surprising number of people struggle with acne in adulthood. If breakouts are affecting your self-esteem or confidence, understanding the condition is the first step in defeating it with facial skincare.

Firstly, the medical name for all acne is "acne vulgaris." This skin condition develops when pores get clogged with oil from the oil glands. The face, back, and chest areas are most susceptible to breakouts. However, this type of inflammation can occur anywhere on the body.

Numerous factors can contribute to acne. People with naturally oily skin may experience more blemishes because their pores get clogged more quickly.

Factors including diet, climate, stress, the use of skin care products, and some medications can contribute to breakouts. Acne is an expansive term used to describe a variety of blemishes. Here is a summary of the most common types of acne people experience:

Whiteheads - Whiteheads tend to form in the T-zone of the face. The T-zone includes the forehead, nose, and mouth area. These non-inflammatory bumps form when dead skin cells and sebum clog pores and skin seals the top.

Blackheads - Blackheads are very similar to whiteheads. However, these blemishes form in open pores. While you might think the blackhead is dirt, it is dead skin cells and sebum oxidizing with air that causes a black bump to form.

Papules - An inflammatory acne, papules form as a result of the presence of bacteria in or on the skin. Often painful, papules don't create a "head" and appear as swollen, red bumps.

Pustules - When papules form a "head" showing a white matter on the skin's surface, this blemish is a pustule. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can result in scarring or dark spots forming from popping or picking at pustules. To avoid this from happening, following a strict facial skincare regime is essential.

Cysts - If you see an oversized bump just under the surface of your skin, this could be a cyst. Cysts are often painful or sensitive to the touch and could get triggered by fluctuating hormones.

To help avoid blemishes from occurring, keeping your face clean helps prevent pores from clogging, which generally curtails pimples and blackheads from forming. However, it's important to avoid using facial cleansers made from harsh chemicals that can dry out your sensitive skin.

If you're struggling to clear up adult blemishes and breakouts, speaking with a skincare professional at Sweet Vanity Boutique helps to provide the skincare regime and products needed to enjoy a fresh, clean complexion all year long. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
